Illustration: Ship-ho!

So... it's, like, a ship... um... ships are nice. Bit cold and drafty but then that depends on what kind of ship you have.
At Christmas I chanced upon a copy of the magazine Yachting World. Classic reading there. Full of pictures and articles about ridiculously sized and decorated yachts. And y'know, Ive never really been so bothered about boats but I could quite happily and comfortably live on a yacht I think. Especially with a jacuzzi and sun-deck and in-built bar and sofas and king-sized beds and gold gilding pretty much, ehm... everywhere. Yeah, I think I could handle it.
Anyhow, this ship was actually going to be one of three, because I was going to illustrate the Christmas carol 'I saw Three Ships' for a Christmas card. But yeah, I didn't and now she is just the HMS On-her-own. In a nice way.